Guest Blog: What I’ve Learnt From Starting A Podcast - The Finale

Guest Blog: What I’ve Learnt From Starting A Podcast - The Finale



In our current age how often do you sit down with someone else and have a one on one conversation with no distractions for sometimes 2 hours? 

My guess is almost never.  Maybe on a first date haha. 

We always have our phones or something distracting us from having these kinds of interactions with people.  So often my guests say they feel weirdly good/better after the podcast. 

The best thing for me is I get to do it every week.  It’s also the age old saying that you should surround yourself with motivated, like minded people.  

We often have conversations about things people don’t speak about much, at least not out loud. 

I’ve found simply saying something out loud helps cement the concept in your mind or maybe even makes you rethink or question things after hearing them.


We all know the world can be pretty harsh with it’s judgment sometimes, especially on the internet where people feel some sense of  anonymity.  But we forget how amazing and supportive the world can really be.

If you can build a community around what you are doing, then you’re going to have so much support. They’ll feel like they are apart of it too.  That’s because they are. They’re actually the most important part. 

If I’m honest, I’m still blown away daily at how supportive our Brisbane/Gold Coast community has been. 

Everyone always talks about the DJ/Dance music scene as being toxic, too competitive, people backstabbing and the list of negatives goes on. 

However, if you have the right mindset, be kind, help others when you can and just be a good person in general then it really isn’t like that at all. 

There’s amazing support from people if they are truly passionate about something. You just have to show people how much you love it. 


Now this one actually excites the hell out of me.  Because before starting the podcast I didn’t often speak to people who are into totally different genres to me. 

Now when I say that, I did talk to them, but didn’t really know them on the deeper level like I do now. 

After talking to all these different artists and people on the podcast I realised we are all pretty much the same. 

What I mean by that is that regardless of the genre, we all love the music and supporting the scene we are involved in.  We often have similar outlooks on things and while they’re definitely are some differences, we are more similar than we are different. 

The problem I’ve found is that we don’t ever meet or hang out with people of other genres often.  We are at different clubs or events that play the specific music we like and often never meet. 

I feel if we all got in the same room/venue for an event that people would form some amazing friendships and maybe even some cross genre collaboration opportunities.  

Now I’m no saint and I’ve definitely made mistakes and fallen pray to speaking badly about other genres, but it’s something the podcast has opened my eyes to in more recent times.

I have however now changed and I’m not like this anymore.

I’m working on a few ways we can bridge the gap that I wanna try and I’m excited to show you all in the near future.  

Just remember when you’re bagging out another genre, that the people you’re bagging are most likely just like you. 


So from all this, what can I say the most important thing is I’ve learnt?

It’s definitely the fact that you can do great things if you work hard and believe.  It’s not a mystery if you go out and learn, make mistakes, work hard, be consistent and don’t give up. 

In grade 2 I was put into the lowest English class for extra support and in year 11 and 12 I had an English tutor and still only got average grades even with all that help. 

Now I write regularly for blogs & thanks to Brok’s support and belief in my writing I am also now working on a Book. 

I would never in my wildest dreams have thoughT I would write for a blog let alone be writing a book.  This just goes to show that regardless of what level you start at or progress that you can always improve and strive to do great things.

So now let’s talk about you:

I know you can do it.  Whatever it is you want to achieve. 

I believe in you and your idea.  Just make sure you’ve done some research 

I want to see you succeed and fall in love with the process of what you’re doing.  

But most of all I want you to figure out that you can be happy doing something you love.  The money will come later but to be honest, it’s not about that.

It’s not about money and it’s not about fame or praise.  It’s about doing something you enjoy, something that makes you happy and excited about life.  Something you can continually improve at throughout your life and keep enjoying the progress you make.

If you need some ideas, motivation or anything else at all then don’t hesitate to shoot me an email at any time.  My personal email is which I check every day.

 I would love to hear about your idea and point you in the right direction so you can get started doing something you actually love to do.

I can’t wait to see you start your project and I know you’ll do great.  So go out, do that thing you’ve always wanted to do and become undeniable and one day....

We’ll have a beer together on my podcast and you can tell me all about your journey.  I can’t wait.  So get out there today and start working towards what you want to do. 

I believe in you.  You CAN do great things.  

You got this 


What makes Perfect, Perfect?


Guest Blog: What I’ve Learnt From Starting A Podcast - Part 5